sail-in-asia-logo-finflix-design-studioSAIL IN ASIA


Sail in Asia are one of our longest standing clients. Mike Downard, Chris Henry and the team prefer to host and administer their own websites so we provide design templates, initial build and custom graphics which they then take over with content editing and page building. Sometimes we don’t see eye to eye on design and layout but it is always resolved in an amicable fashion! This is a suite of sites constantly added to which all ranks very highly within teambuilding and yacht training circles in and around Phuket, Thailand and Asia.



Client Testimonial

Finflix offer a highly professional and creative service. They have built numerous sites for us over the years and have integrated them with our bookings database, online CRM system and Wufoo forms. They are responsive and helpful, especially when there are problems and we need a quick fix. We look after much of the routine site maintenance ourselves, but can depend on Finflix if problems arise. This is important in a business with a high dependance on web presence. Virtually all our business comes through our sites so it is truely critical to our business. As a result we have come to depend on Finflix. I would be happy to recommend them as a business partner for the internet age.

Chris Henry – Head of IT – Sail in Asia Co. Ltd.

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